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Final Pool Documentation

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Final Pool is a Unity asset designed for efficient pooling of game objects, providing enhanced management of object creation, reuse, and destruction. This asset allows developers to optimize performance by reducing the overhead associated with frequently instantiating and destroying game objects.


Final Pool is a powerful Unity asset designed to enhance game performance by efficiently managing the lifecycle of game objects through object pooling. In Unity, creating and destroying game objects frequently can lead to significant performance bottlenecks, especially in resource-intensive scenarios like rapid spawning of enemies, projectiles, or other game elements. Final Pool addresses this challenge by allowing developers to reuse game objects instead of creating and destroying them repeatedly.

With Final Pool, you can define and manage pools of objects with precise control over their creation, reuse, and destruction. It provides a comprehensive set of features, including dynamic object management, customizable spawn and despawn behaviors, and advanced memory leak detection. These features ensure that your game maintains optimal performance while reducing the risk of memory leaks and other runtime issues.

Whether you're developing a high-intensity action game, a complex simulation, or any project requiring efficient object management, Final Pool is an invaluable tool that helps you keep your game's performance smooth and responsive. This documentation will guide you through the key features and usage of Final Pool, enabling you to get the most out of this versatile pooling solution.

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Key Features

  • Dynamic Object Pooling: Automatically manage active and inactive objects, minimizing the need for runtime instantiation.
  • Configurable Object Limits: Set absolute or percentage-based limits for maximum capacity, overflow handling, and total object count.
  • Auto Size Feature: Disable capacity restriction if you dont need them.
  • Warmup and Initialization: Preload objects to a pool to avoid delays during gameplay.
  • Controlled Spawning and Despawning: Use customizable intervals and delays for spawning and despawning objects, optimizing performance based on gameplay needs.
  • Leak Detection: Track and identify objects that are not properly returned to the pool, helping to prevent memory leaks and other performance issues.
  • Time Scaling Options: Choose between scaled or unscaled time for precise control over object management during game pauses or real-time scenarios.
  • Warning and Alert System: Get notifications when pool capacities or limits are reached, allowing for proactive adjustments.

Concept: One Pool for One Object

In Final Pool, each pooled object type has its own dedicated pool. This design ensures that every object type—whether it’s a bullet, an explosion, or a particle effect—is managed within its own pool group. This approach allows for clear differentiation between different objects, ensuring that pooling is both efficient and organized.

Why Separate Pools?

Consider the case of bullets and hit effects. If you had a single pool managing both types of objects, how would you differentiate between them when spawning or despawning? By having distinct pools for each object, Final Pool prevents the confusion that might arise from a unified pool system. It also allows for greater flexibility in configuring each pool with its own settings, such as capacity, warmup size, or spawn/despawn thresholds.

Manual Pool Creation

In Final Pool, pools are not automatically created for each object. Instead, you need to manually set up a pool for every object type you intend to manage. There are two ways to create pools:

  1. Via the Final Pool Group Component: You can set up pools in the Unity Editor by attaching the Final Pool Group component to a GameObject. This allows you to configure all the pool settings through a user-friendly interface. Learn more

  2. Via Script: You can create pools programmatically by calling the FinalPool.CreateGroup("NAME", Prefab, options) method. This is particularly useful for dynamic object creation at runtime. Learn more

Object Management in Pools

Once a pool is created for an object type, you can manage object spawning and despawning through the Final Pool Group reference. The methods Get() (to spawn an object) and Return() (to despawn an object) are only available through this reference. You can retrieve any active pool group using FinalPool.GetGroup("NAME").

By providing dedicated pools for each object type, Final Pool ensures that your game’s performance is optimized, while maintaining a clear structure for managing object lifecycles.

Code Documentation

Every class and method is thoroughly documented using XML Documentation to ensure clarity and ease of use for developers.


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