📄️ Intro
Final Factory Logo Final Pool Logo
📄️ Getting Started
📄️ Pool Groups
The most convenient way to work with a pool group in Final Pool is by using the Final Pool Group component.
📄️ Scripting
Getting and Returning Pooled Objects
📄️ Leak Detection
The Leak Detection helps identify objects that have not been properly returned to the pool. This feature is particularly useful during debugging to ensure all objects are correctly managed and returned to the pool after use. When enabled, the system will issue warnings and provide a stack trace for objects that were destroyed without being returned.
📄️ Performance Showcase
1. Test Environment
📄️ Samples
You can find the samples for Final Pool in the Unity Package Manager. Simply navigate to the Final Pool section and look under the 'Samples' category to access and explore various sample implementations and configurations.
📄️ Profiling
Pool Profiling can be enabled in your project settings by navigating to Final Factory -> Final Pool.
📄️ Glossary
Max Capacity
📄️ FAQ
Q: How do I increase performance?
📄️ Changelog